Monday, April 25, 2011

NEWS and NOTES: April 25, 2011

Greetings Fellow Readers.

Welcome to another edition of NEWS and NOTES.


- -'Artemis Neo' will be up and running Friday May 6 ay 4:00 P.M. on Fictionaut.

Russell Johnson and his wingmen are off to escort a freighter transporting humanitarian aide. Will they protect the ship from invaders in Open Space?

- Coming in July on Fictionaut: A new Anthology Series. Title to be announced later.

- Coming this Fall on Fictionaut: The Novelettes 'Arcana Magi Memorial Vol. 2', 'Arcana Magi Cross' and 'Arcana Magi Pure'.

- Coming January 2012 on Fictionaut: The Short Story 'Arcana Magi Divine'.


I just want to give a heads up to 'Arcana Magi Universe' fans. After assessing the stories, I found some similarities in terms of settings and characters and came to the conclusion that I can actually set the new 'Arcana Magi' stories within the same Universe with the other 'Arcana Magi' Stories. I am aware that Arcana Magi is a Multi-verse and not technically a Universe, but with this move, I can establish four separate universes that can stand alone. I will, in a later date, establish the Universe names so stay tuned to find out.

That's all for NEWS and NOTES today.

Until next time,
See ya.

Monday, April 18, 2011

NEWS and NOTES: April 18, 2011

Greetings Fellow Readers.

Welcome to another edition of NEWS and NOTES.


- While although I am spending this Spring writing Short Stories for Submission runs, I decided to post up one of those Short Stories, 'Artemis Neo', on Fictionaut Friday May 6. I acknowledge that the gap between posting 'Arcana Magi Rush' in January and my upcoming Anthology Stories on Fictionaut in July is a very long wait. And since I have my new Facebook Page 'The Written Works of H-M Brown', it would be beneficial if I spot up a new Short Story on Fictionaut for some of you newcomers finding me and my works via Facebook.

- Speaking of Anthology Stories, I will be posting the Anthology Short Stories in July on Fictionaut.

- Coming this Fall on Fictionaut: The Novelettes 'Arcana Magi Memorial Vol. 2', 'Arcana Magi Cross' and 'Arcana Magi Pure'.

- Coming January 2012 on Fictionaut: The Short Story 'Arcana Magi Divine'.


No NOTES this session.

That's all for NEWS and NOTES today.

Until next time,
See ya.

Friday, April 15, 2011

NEWS and NOTES: April 15, 2011

Greetings Fellow Readers.

Welcome to another edition of NEWS and NOTES.


- My Facebook account is up and running. I am under the name H-m Brown (Yes Facebook reduced my name in lowercase). However, I am struggling to find my name on the Facebook list so I can get the direct link to my Facebook page on both Fictionaut and Blogspot. So feel free to request to be added to my Friends list if you want in.

- The new Untitled Short Story Science Fiction Anthology Series will be posted on Fictionaut this Summer.

- The Novelettes 'Arcana Magi Memorial Vol. 2', 'Arcana Magi Cross' and 'Arcana Magi Pure', are coming this Fall on Fictionaut.

- The new 'Arcana Magi' Short Story that will be posted on Fictionaut in January of 2012 will be titled - 'Arcana Magi Divine'.


It's kind of getting repetitive and redundant on the status of the Short Story Submissions and drafts I have been engaged in this Spring, so there won't be any updates on them, for the time being.

That's all for NEWS and NOTES today.

Until next time,
See ya.

Monday, April 11, 2011

NEWS and NOTES: April 11, 2011

Greetings Fellow Readers.

Welcome to another edition of NEWS and NOTES.


- This Friday April 15, I will have my Facebook account up and running with links to all of my stories on Fictionaut.

- The Short Stories 'Artemis Neo' and 'The Geolyth Equation' are currently on Draft Mode.

- There are no status changes on the Submission Run of my Short Story 'Feral'.

- There are no status changes on the Special Submission Run of my Short Story 'Arcana Magi Zero'.

- A new Short Story Science Fiction Anthology Series will be posted on Fictionaut this Summer.

- New 'Arcana Magi Memorial Vol. 2', new series 'Arcana Magi Cross' and 'Arcana Magi Pure', are coming this Fall on Fictionaut.

- After lining up the dates for my 'Arcana Magi' Novelette stories this Fall, the new Arcana Magi Short Story will be posted on Fictionaut in January of 2012.


I will posting 'NEWS and NOTES' this Friday to mark the creation of my Facebook account at 4:00 P.M. EST.

That's all for NEWS and NOTES today.

Until next time,
See ya.

Friday, April 8, 2011

NEWS and NOTES: April 8, 2011

Greetings Fellow Readers.

Welcome to another edition of NEWS and NOTES.


- The new Arcana Magi Title page is up and running on Fictionaut. Click on the Arcana Magi Universe link on the sidebar to check it out.

- The Short Story 'Artemis Neo' is undergoing its second draft. Then it will undergo a Submission Run after final tweakings.

- I finally got the plot point of the Short Story 'The Geolyth Equation' in order and after I get Artemis Neo done, I will resume the first draft and get it ready for a submission run.

- There are no status changes on the Submission Run of my Short Story 'Feral'.

- There are no status changes on the Special Submission Run of my Short Story 'Arcana Magi Zero'.

- This Summer on Fictionaut will be a new Short Story Science Fiction Anthology Series.

- New 'Arcana Magi Memorial Vol. 2', new series 'Arcana Magi Cross' and 'Arcana Magi Pure', coming this Fall on Fictionaut

- To be on the safe side, if I can't get the new 'Arcana Magi' Short Story this Fall, then it will be released January of 2012. So I guess I can say Late Fall/Early Winter.

-Friday April 15, I will be setting up a Facebook account to give a vocal platform for all of you to discuss with each other about my stories posted on Ficionaut. It will have links to my stories of course as well to Fictionaut's Facebook page among others. There will be other ideas for this account that I am looking over, there will be announcements about that here in my Blogspot.


I will posting NEWS and NOTES next Friday to mark the creation of my Facebook account at 4:00 P.M. EST.

That's all for NEWS and NOTES today.

Until next time,
See ya.

Monday, April 4, 2011

NEWS and NOTES: April 4, 2011

Greetings Fellow Readers.

Welcome to another edition of NEWS and NOTES.


- I finally got the new Arcana Magi Title page drawn. After a few more tweaks, I will have it post up in the 'Arcana Magi Universe' Fictionaut Page this Friday at 4:00 P.M. EST.

- The Short Story 'Artemis Neo' will be undergoing it's second draft this week. It will undergo a Submission Run after final tweakings.

- 'The Geolyth Equation' Short Story is currently in delay mode. This is due to the struggle to write it without being cliche or a ripoff of Lovecraft. But it's getting there.

- There are no status changes on the Submission Run of my short story 'Feral'.

- 'Arcana Magi Zero Vol. 1' is on a Special Submission Run. It was sent off after NEWS and NOTES was posted last week. I shortened the title to just 'Arcana Magi Zero'. Like I said it's a special run so after this, there won't be another attempt. For now there is no status change.

- Now I mentioned that this Summer I will be making Fictionaut Short Story postings, since this Spring I want to concentrate on getting Stories Published. I am happy to announce that the upcoming Summer Short Stories will be inspired by two of my favorite old television programs, The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits. I have the title but I won't announce it just yet. Depending on time and length, due to New Arcana Magi stories coming in the Fall, I will try to get more that one story up and running on Fictionaut. As soon as I get them written, I will make the formal announcements and dates.

- Speaking of Titles, I would like to formally announce the new 'Arcana Magi Novelettes', 'Arcana Magi Cross' and 'Arcana Magi Pure'. These two will be the new additions to the 'Arcana Magi Novelette' line joining 'Arcana Magi Memorial' and it's upcoming sequel Volume 2. I already have the plots outlined for all three, it's just of a matter of settling on characters, magic, settings, and so on. I look forward to expanding the 'Arcana Magi Universe' this Fall.

- I still haven't forgotten my 'Arcana Magi' Short Story. I just haven't settled on the title yet. Plus I have a feeling this may not come out until January of 2012. I'll keep you posted on any changes, but I definitely am intending to post it on Fictionaut.

- Some time this month, I will create my Facebook page, linking up to Fictionaut's Facebook page. I still have yet to decide on what to title my Facebook Account. I'll keep everything posted and up to date regarding this.


I will posting NEWS and NOTES this Friday to mark the unveiling of the new Arcana Magi Title Page at 4:00 P.M. EST.

That's all for NEWS and NOTES today.

Until next time,
See ya.