Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Weekly Rants: January 30, 2013

Greetings Fellow Readers! Welcome to another round of Weekly Ranting. This is just a brief Rant, I want to share my thoughts on Twitter.

As announced on 'NEWS and NOTES' I will be setting up a Twitter account. However, this will be my first account so like Facebook, I will be going in with zero experience. Truth is, in my honest opinion, I think Twitter is stupid, yet good. It is contradictory to say the least but hear me out. You see Twitter has genuine pros and cons. While the pros have shown the merit of Twitter, the cons tend to overshadow those pros and become a big turn off.

Some cons include:

- News media using Twitter as a cited news source from random people with no journalistic experience, or posting childish statements from members of their news team or political pundits.

- If a celebrity writes something off the cuff or a joke, their statements can get skewed regardless of whether the offended outrage is justified or an overreaction, thus destroying their careers.

- Brings out the bad in people. Some of things that can said on Twitter is really cruel.

So what about the pros:

- It helps expand good communication between people.

- It helps people notify someone immediately if they are safe in the even of a tragedy or natural disaster.

- It even brought to light any horrors that occur around the world that the news media doesn't cover. Like war and crime.

Basically Twitter is a tool for better or worse and has both helped or hurt humanity. The pro part, one where many writers and companies have provided quick info to their fans and consumers without the need of press releases, is what I will tap into. All I will be using Twitter for is to post up only links. Will I respond to you guys, I don't know. Whatever I say could be beholden to me and one wrong statement could ruin my writing future. Do I have opinions? Yes, but I have to pick the right moment to share such opinions.

What I want to achieve on Twitter is not so much for me to talk to all of you directly, but to give you all a platform to talk about my works or thoughts to each other. You see, I believe that writing is a form of communication, and that it invokes communication between readers. I am not interested in seeing my readers say "I love your work." or " You're an awesome writer." What I want to see is, "Do you think there will be giant robots in the future like in The First Run Bob132?" followed by "Yes I would like to pilot giant robots Joe564."

Seeing you guys talk to each other about my stories, what you say to each other what you think of my stories, and even speculating about the future or fantasy worlds I create. Talking to each other and having fun doing so, is my goal as a writer.

We that's all I have to rant about this week. I look forward to seeing many of you on Twitter.

Until Next Time...
See ya.

Monday, January 28, 2013

NEWS and NOTES: January 28, 2013

Greetings Fellow Readers. Welcome to another edition of 'NEWS and NOTES'. I have a new announcement.


- Coming this February** on Fictionaut: 'Arcana Magi Pure Vol.3' Short Novel.

Mayumi and Emi are lying low during the Purge threat, but Emi wants to do something about it.

Chapter 1 - Friday February 15, 2013
Chapter 2 - Friday February 22, 2013
Chapter 3 - Friday March 1, 2013
Chapter 4 - Friday March 8, 2013
Chapter 5 - Friday March 15, 2013

-Coming this February on Kindle: A new batch of 'Free Shell Fridays'.

Official Dates:

February 8, 2013
February 22, 2013
March 8, 2013
March 15, 2013
March 22, 2013 

-Coming this February: The Written Works of H-M Brown on Twitter.

Get Updates on the latest 'NEWS and NOTES', 'Weekly Rants', and 'Story Postings' and share your comments and thoughts.

Date to be Announced.

- Wednesday's between 8:00 PM EST and 9:00 PM EST on Blogspot** - The Weekly Rants. Check out info, thoughts, and behind the scenes look on all writings and projects by H-M Brown.

This weeks ranting to be determined on Wednesday.

** Dates and times are subject to change pending any scheduling conflicts.


-No NOTES today.

That's all for NEWS and NOTES today.

Until next time,
See ya.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Weekly Rants: January 23, 2013

Greetings Fellow Readers! Welcome to another round of of Random Ranting. Today I got another 'Thought on Writing'. Shall we begin.


      So settings. Well they are the areas characters stand, sit, and sleep in, in simplistic terms. But I think it's something that is taken for granted at times in story telling. I mean think about it. The worlds we visit when read, or watch, in stories. The wonderment of what it could be like. The atmosphere, shape, and feel. These are supposed to be wonderful worlds that should never leave our thoughts. I personally have tried as best I could in all my stories to bring these worlds to fruition. Yes, I do admit mostly urban in nature, but then I'm not exactly tapping into High Fantasy. At least not yet. Now how to bring these worlds to open is a big question. Truth is there is no right or wrong on to write out a world.
       One method I went was just have characters walk through the world and describe as the characters journey along. I did this in stories like 'The First Run' and 'The Geolyth Equation'. This approach allowed readers to share the awe and wonderment of what the characters in the story saw. It allowed the stories to feel fresh and new. It even allowed a good sense of pacing. The other method I went is what we would call Exposition. This where I would spend a good period of time explaining the world, a usually for good reason.
       See I choose the setting for say New York, a good majority would know that it's a city, tall buildings and would think of the famous landmarks. Not much detail has to be put into it except for specific areas of the city itself, because the setting rights itself. On the other hand if I create an original city that doesn't exist, like Denfair City in 'The Impossible Man', then this where I should give details. It don't have to say it's got tall buildings, but to describe what is in the city regarding locales and landmarks help readers ease into the world and even expect great things from the setting. Writing setting depends on the situation and what I want to establish.
        Settings is one of those situations where I fell 'Telling' in narrative writing is okay. I'm trying to establish the world. Set up the playing pieces for me to play with and for you to experience. This is one of those times where 'Showing', I fear, the reader will say, "Get on with it!" and potentially turn the reader off from enjoying the story.
         One key thing about creating a setting, and world building for the grander scale, is the rules of the world. Like characters, settings do need to be consistent. It is quite possible to break the rules of the scenery and take readers out of the story. If the sun sets north, then it needs to stay setting north. If the mountain has desert peaks, they better not be trees unless they are magical. Hmm... that sounds awesome. But yeah, rules have to be maintained with settings because it is an environment that is as alive as the characters and cretures who inhabit it.
         On a final note, building the setting is fun. There are so many inventive way to set the stage and world and environment, that there are no limits. From city, to space, to school, there really is no limit to the imagination if you mix it up a little. Like school in space and city in a forest. The important thing is that the setting is both interesting, fun, and engaging. Even if it looks generic and basic, I'll try to give it some character.]

So this ends another round of random ranting. Next week I'll probably discuss few future plans, no 'Thoughts on Writing'. If I do have a 'Thought on Writing' I'll NOTE that in 'NEWS and NOTES' next week. Thank you all for joining me.

Until next time...
See ya.

Monday, January 21, 2013

NEWS and NOTES: January 21, 2013

Greetings Fellow Readers. Welcome to another edition of 'NEWS and NOTES'. I have a schedule ready.


- Coming this February** on Fictionaut: 'Arcana Magi Pure Vol.3' Short Novel.

Mayumi and Emi are lying low during the Purge threat, but Emi wants to do something about it.

Chapter 1 - Friday February 15, 2013
Chapter 2 - Friday February 22, 2013
Chapter 3 - Friday March 1, 2013
Chapter 4 - Friday March 8, 2013
Chapter 5 - Friday March 15, 2013

Coming this February on Kindle: A new batch of 'Free Shell Fridays'.

Official Dates:

February 8, 2013
February 22, 2013
March 8, 2013
March 15, 2012
March 22, 2013 

- Wednesday's between 8:00 PM EST and 9:00 PM EST on Blogspot** - The Weekly Rants. Check out info, thoughts, and behind the scenes look on all writings and projects by H-M Brown.

This week I'll talk about 'Settings' on 'Thoughts on Writing.'

** Dates and times are subject to change pending any scheduling conflicts.


-No NOTES today.

That's all for NEWS and NOTES today.

Until next time,
See ya.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Weekly Rants: January 16, 2013

Greetings Fellow Readers! Welcome to another round of Random Ranting.

Today I'll be sharing my 'Thoughts on Writing' once again. I'm sure many of you have been waiting awhile for this, so let's not waste time.


    What is Dialogue?

    Very simple, it's when people talk to each other. Easy enough. However, dialogue plays a far deeper role than I realized. It has the ability to set the tone of the story, establish characters, and can even Foreshadow events. Dialogue can change the entire story with three simple words, or complicate a story with two many. It is also the most difficult I have to deal with when writing. Emotions play a role. Consistency in character behavior can make or break them with readers. Revelations could easily be forgotten as the story progresses.
     Unlike narrative where you tell your story and give characters their actions, what a character says gives the them their depth. You can have them look pretty and beautiful, but their comments can come off coarse or rough. You can make a character look ugly and disfigured, but their comments could be intelligent or wise. Dialogue helps a character become well rounded. Maybe 3 Dimensional if you play it right.
     One of the ways I make my characters dialogue work is play their conversation in my mind over and over again. It sounds insane because it really is. I personally sit in silence, with no distractions around, like noise. I focus my mind on the settings, story and characters placement, then have the characters act out the scene. Pretty much my imagination. Very basic thing that every storyteller should do. But imagining and writing it down are two completely different things. After all, once we read what we wrote on paper, it doesn't look exactly as we thought it would. But then as writers we have to remember that out readers do not think exactly as we do on 1:1 ratio.

     So how does one make dialogue work well on paper?

     For starters, I keep the conversations on topic. Whatever I set up in the narrative, the characters should be talking about it. The only time the characters should talk casually is if I set them up to talk casually, but if they are in a situation, I stay on that topic.  The characters verbal reaction to that specific situation is what readers are interested in.
     Another way is to keep the conversation between 2 characters. This also makes writing the dialogue easier, I'll get to that in little bit. That's not to say that having a conversation between 3 or more characters can't be done, but keep in mind that I have keep my readers attention from shutting done due to confusion of who is talking.

      So about writing dialogue is easier?

      I do find it easy to have two characters talking in a single for one significant reason; Said. Let me give you an example.

"Don't go in there." John said.
"Why not?" Mary said.
"Because the stairs are broken and the light are out."
"Oh. Do you have a flashlight?"
"Right here."

      As you can see in a two person dialogue you can tell who's talking without writing the word said after each line. The Order of Conversation. John talked first then Mary talked second, and they alternate one after the other. No need to use the word 'Said' on every single dialogue line. If you've noticed, you may have known who was talking without each line telling you who 'Said.'

      So what about three or more people?

      Unfortunately, when I am dealing with a bigger cast, and we all do. You just have to make sure that you use the word said to the appropriate person. One method I try, and I stress the word try, to do is to Reset the Conversation. This basically introducing a new character with Said in the line and followed up with one of the previous characters established by Said.

Uhh... Here's an example.

"Don't go in there." John said.
"Why not?" Betty said.
"Because the stairs are broken and the light are out."
"Oh. Do you have a flashlight?"
"Right here."
"Well what's down there?" Martin said.
"I don't know, but I'm sure we'll find out." John said.
"Okay. Though it is dark below."
"Relax. It's probably just rats."

        As you can see, I introduced Martin in the dialogue and reset John by writing John Said after his dialogue. Now Martin and John and are alternating dialogue and Betty is silenced.

       Now what about that pesky 'Said'?

       There is nothing pesky about Said. But if I don't want to litter my dialogue with Said, this where I have characters refer to each other by their names and acknowledge each other as such.

"Don't go in there." John said.
"Why not?" Betty said.
"Because the stairs are broken and the light are out."
"Oh. Do you have a flashlight?"
"Right here."
"Well what's down there?" Martin said.
"I don't know, but I'm sure we'll find out." John said.
"Okay. Though it is dark below."
"Relax. It's probably just rats."
"That's what I am afraid of. Rats nipping at Betty's feet. She should be safe."
"Martin, you are my hero. Now step aside, I have to get to the book."

        As you can see, without using Said, I had Martin talk about Betty to John, and I got Betty to respond to Martin's comment since it was established, through dialogue, that she was going down the stairs. Though this looks pretty basic, my "advanced" form of dialogue without using Said would have narrative action following the persons name.

"Oh. Do you have a flashlight?"
"Right here." John took out the flashlight and handed it to Betty.

       So what about using other words instead of said, like replied or questioned?

       I don't believe it is inherently wrong to replace said with replied or questioned or anything that described what the person said. Personally, I find it redundant when it should obvious. After all we do have punctuation marks that are pretty self-explanatory.

"What are you doing?" John questioned.
"NOOOO!" Betty yelled.

      Not only that, but sometimes the conversations can carry themselves without the need of saying who replied. Throwing replied, exclaimed, etc. can stunt the pacing and flow of a conversation because you have to constantly read 'He replied', 'she explained', at every dialogue or two. This can be frustrating for the reader. I know I, as a reader, feel that way when I get immersed in the conversation. If they have to be used instead of Said, it should carry weight in the conversation or plot, or else its best to just write Said and let the characters talk.]

That's all I have I have on my mind. Thanks for listening to my rants this week. You all have yourselves a good weekend.

Until next time...
See ya.

Monday, January 14, 2013

NEWS and NOTES: January 14, 2013

Greetings Fellow Readers. Welcome to another edition of 'NEWS and NOTES'.


- Coming this February** on Fictionaut: 'Arcana Magi Pure Vol.3' Short Novel.

Mayumi and Emi are lying low during the Purge threat, but Emi wants to do something about it.

Dates to be announced.

Coming this February on Kindle: A new batch of 'Free Shell Fridays'.

Official Dates:

February 8, 2013
February 22, 2013
March 8, 2013
March 15, 2012
March 22, 2013 

- Wednesday's between 8:00 PM EST and 9:00 PM EST on Blogspot** - The Weekly Rants. Check out info, thoughts, and behind the scenes look on all writings and projects by H-M Brown.

This week I'll talk about 'Dialog' on 'Thoughts on Writing.'

** Dates and times are subject to change pending any scheduling conflicts.


- Today I have created a new Link List on the sidebar of my Blogspot for my 'Thoughts on Writing'. So now for any of you interested in reading what I think of Writing in general, you can now get to it with the click of a link and you not have to rummage through the older posts to find them. Enjoy.

That's all for NEWS and NOTES today.

Until next time,
See ya.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Weekly Rants: January 9, 2013

Greetings Fellow Readers! Welcome to another round of Random Ranting. It is a new year and there are a lot of stuff that has to get done, so let's run the list.


-I do have plans for Kindle releases this year. I'm thinking of publishing Chain+Fate 2. Also I'm thinking of working on another De x Maquina. At least these two for 2013. They will be Short Novels, 5 chapters each and hopefully I can get them to 50 pages which would be 10 pages each. That should be enough for plenty of content to read on. These two, and I will tell you now, will be sold at $1.99 so that I may do a $.99 sale during their time on Kindle. I can't give everything away for free. I need income to pay the bills. Hopefully I should have it ready by Fall 2013.

- Also Free Shell Kindle will be starting soon, I have to check a few thing on Shell and I will have the next dates set and list posted on 'NEW and NOTES'

Thought on Writing:

-I'm keeping this to a minimum, maybe once or twice a month. There is a lot of stuff I have to do, but also I have to do research on writing, and do critical thinking of what I write for these topics, before I share my thoughts so that I won't come off as an idiot.

Arcana Magi Universe:

-Yeah you guys saw this coming. 'Arcana Magi Pure Vol3' will be written first to sync up with 'Memorial'. Both of these stories I will concentrate on before engaging in any new 'Arcana Magi' stories. Give them their proper endings and see where to take the universe afterwards. Plus, from the number of views I've saw on Fictionaut for Chapter 5 of the latest Volumes I've written, these two seem to have a nice following of readers and I want to keep that up.


-I am thinking about making the jump to Twitter where I can make all the necessary announcements and links to all things related to the my stories. If I do this, I'll probably start before I release "Arcana Magi Pure Vol.3" so that all of you can make comments there. Now, let's be realistic here, I'm no Shakespeare. I know I can flub my story very easily both story and grammar-wise. I have no editor to keep me in check and help improve my writing and skills. While being praised is a nice thing, I'm more interested in the negative. I want to be a good writer. Being a good writer is at least listen to criticism if not take its advice. It's not perfection I am looking for, it's the entertaining and the comprehension. Let me put it like this, if you comprehend what I wrote and are entertained, then I did a good job.

That's all on my mind for this week.

Here's to a fun and entertaining 2013.

Happy New Years fellow readers.

Until Next Time...
See ya.

Monday, January 7, 2013

NEWS and NOTES: January 7, 2013

Greetings Fellow Readers. Welcome to another edition of 'NEWS and NOTES'. Happy New Year.  It's 2013 and there is a whole year to do Awesome stories.


- Coming this February on Fictionaut: 'Arcana Magi Pure Vol.3' Short Novel.

Emi is staring down the threat of the Purge Spell, and Mayumi is making an effort to keep her and Emi away from the world of the Magi so they can be safe.

Dates to be announced.

- Wednesday's between 8:00 PM EST and 9:00 PM EST on Blogspot - The Weekly Rants. Check out info, thoughts, and behind the scenes look on all writings and project by H-M Brown.

** Dates and times are subject to change pending any scheduling conflicts.


- No NOTES today.

That's all for NEWS and NOTES today.

Until next time,
See ya.