Friday, September 27, 2013

Quick NOTES: September Edition

Greetings Fellow Readers! Welcome to another round of Quick NOTES.

-Prototype Presentations Throwdown: Sunrise and Game Resort are now up and running on YouTube. Click on the sidebar link to check it out.

-NEWS and NOTES and the Facebook Event Section will be up on October 7.

Thank you all for stopping by.

Until next time...

See ya.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday Rants: September 25, 2013

Greetings Fellow Readers! Welcome to another round of Wednesday Ranting and it's a beefy one this week. I got some 'Thoughts on Writing' this week and some official announcements. So let us begin.

[Thoughts on Writing: The Strength of a Writer]

What is the strength of a writer? I had thought about this rather quickly, and honestly, I do not know where I will be at in the future regarding this question. For now, though, these are my current answers to this question.

Confidence. When I write, I have to sound like what I say on paper is strong. That the point I am making or the situation the characters go through does not sound weak. What I convey is done with a smile that I know what I am talking about. That if any of you can feel that confidence in how I present my story, then my strength can be seen clearly. Not just in how writing looks but in my voice amongst the narrative. I have to be sure of myself when writing the things I write and not be too scared to express it. There are a lot of thins I have written between Fictionaut and Kindle that if I did not feel confident of what I want to get across, I could end up discrediting myself as a writer or lose my readers altogether.

Competence. I feel it is very important then when I introduce things in a story, I know what I am talking about. Research into things like motorcycle engines that I used in Artemis Neo, and kinetic and potential energy which I used in Arcana Magi, are really helpful in writing. I may not have a science major when talking about technology but a little research allows readers to know that I at least took the time to understand things. Yeah with Science Fiction and Fantasy I am given a leeway to bend the rules to make things look cool, like sound in space, but that is not a license to dismiss the logic of the world. Rulemaking is also important. To stay consistent as thoroughly as possible is very important. Breaking the rules of the world you wrote will make you look incompetent as storyteller.

Comprehension. Look, I admit that I am not A+ on my grammar, but the least I can do is make my writings comprehensible. The simplest of writing, the Basics as I see it, is "The cat ran home." Even if I wrote that in my story, it's comprehensible. Could it be better than that as a sentence? Yes, and it should be, but I should not try to be so flowery with my writings that it reaches the point of incomprehension. When people read my writing, they expect me, as an author to have modicum of intelligence. If writing a sentence like "The cat ran home" allows me to come off as being comprehensible to my readers at the expense of poetry, that sentence will trump poetry all the time. That does not mean I should always write like that, but i should allow my readers to at least keep up with what I saying in text and not lose them in the narrative.

Overall, writing is not easy. It is difficult and it is challenging. The rewards are very high when one thinks about that fact that they actually created something they call their own invention. But what happens afterwards is as good as anybody's guess. As long as my writing feels Confident, looks Competent, and is Comprehensible to read, I believe my works will look strong, and I can become a strong writer, like I should be.

[New York Comic Con 2013]

I will be wandering the halls of the Jacob Javits Center. I acquired a Pro Badge this year thanks to 'The Impossible Man on Kindle', so I will be attending for 4 days instead of 3. Feel free to say hi, I am not afraid to shake hands and take a picture. Unfotunately I could build on my novels release because I was too late to Book anything up with the Convention like Panels or Autograph sessions. But I am looking forward to being there once again.

[No Wednesday Rants in October]

Due to New York Comic Con there will be no Wednesday Rants throughout the month. Wednesday Rants will return in November.


Because October is an off month, the first Monday of October is on the 7th. That will be when 'NEWS and NOTES' will be posted and the Facebook Events schedule will be updated.

[The Impossible Man on Kindle Update]

I will be updating 'The Impossible Man on Kindle' to do some extensive cleanup. I apologize for any inconvenience in my writing. I will post up when the update is available so you all can update your copies.

Thank you all for listening to my rants this week. next month is indeed a big month and I look forward to seeing you all on October 7th with the 'NEWS and NOTES' October Edition.

Until Next Time...

See ya.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday Rants: September 11, 2013

Greetings Fellow Readers! Welcome to another round of random ranting. This week I will be following up the last 'Thoughts on Writing' segment with this week's talk on 'The Way of the Writer'. So without further hesitation let us begin.

[Thoughts on Writing-The Way of the Writer

In my first year on Fictionaut, there was a forum post asking what we writers thought about writing. My answer was just straightforward.

We have something to say.
We have ideas to share.
We have information to relay.
We want to communicate.

I added that to my 'Why do you write?' of my Fictionaut profile and kind of left it there. But what did I mean by all of that. Well I took the time reflect on it since I said it with no rhyme or reason and I feel I could share this with all of you.

1- We have something to say.

One of things that make storytelling, throughout all media, is that there is underlying message or metaphor or allegory, just something there that grabs a persons attention. Historically speaking, many stories were written in certain ways to avoid things like imprisonment for speaking out against a government, or exploring a taboo. These are the thing that make people think, but it would never happen, if the storyteller had nothing to say. In all writings, regardless of quality, have this in common; the writer has something to say. Whether its comedy, or warning us about the dangers of damaging the environment, or challenging social norms, the writer is telling the story because he has something to say about it. It doesn't matter whether the reader agrees or not, or decides to scream controversy. It something the author saw that felt needed to be shared. It can have entertainment value, it can be hidden messages like in Grimms tales, but no matter what, the author is writing because they want to say something to someone, for better or for worse.

2- We have ideas to share.

One of the beauties of Science Fiction are the ideas of technology that come out of it. Many Sci-Fi writers in the 1800s had ideas of traveling through space, or using new types of weaponry to fight aliens, or building a new mode of transportation that benefits mankind. Ideas are not just relegated to Sci-Fi of course, many traditional fiction set in present eras of the time shared ideas from politics, to business, to schooling. Many writers have ideas that can be mind-blowing, make us think twice about the way we act as society, or the potential to improve society. Writing brings forth ideas for everyone.

3- We have information to relay.

Sometimes, we as a society act in our nature to ignore things, or be ignorant of what is happening around us. Sometimes it information that is not relevant to our situation, like computers. Sometimes it could be an issue that has nothing to with us. But the thing about writing is the author learned of something, saw something, had a conversation about something that could be informative and is not readily available. Whether fiction or non-fiction, writers convey the information they learn to the general public and let us know when something good is happening, or something bad is happening, and no one is aware of it. Just think of how many laws came into being, how companies changed their rules, and how many everyday people changed their lives around because of the writings they read. All because information was provided to the reader at their finger tips.

4- We want to communicate.

I read in one of the books, which I am sorry the title escapes me, while I was learning to improve my writing where the author asked a student a key thing to writing. The answer was communication. I found that interesting because communication has many forms but served one unifying purpose, to get us to talk to each other. Let me put it like this, there is a book about vampires that made a lot of money while simultaneously triggered vitriolic hate. Despite the panning, it did one thing amazingly, it got people to talk to each other. See, we human beings, well... we really need to talk to each other more often, and its very easy to do but somehow difficult. Writing is a good way to at least get us to talk to each other. Be it fun, informative, or fan-biased, storytelling allows readers the ability and freedom to provide feedback to each other on what they thought. It brings a person's characteristics and helps bring people together, or at least an understanding. The freedom to agree or disagree, or agree to disagree. But the underlying objective is to get people to talk to each other, because talking is good.]

So this ends another session of 'Thoughts on Writing'. I thank you all for joining and look forward the next session in two weeks. Free 'Shell' Friday is this week and falls on a very creepy date for all you Horror. Enjoy.

Until Next Time...
See ya.

Monday, September 2, 2013

NEWS and NOTES: Month of September

Greetings Fellow Readers! Welcome to another edition of 'NEWS and NOTES'. I hope you all had safe and fun holiday weekend. Summer is winding to an end an Fall is around the corner. So let us begin.

-Wednesday September 11, 2013 at 8:00 PM EST on Blogspot: Wednesday Rants.

Join H-M Brown as he shares his thoughts on writings and future plans.

-Friday September 13, 2013 on Amazon Kindle: Free 'Shell' Friday.

Get your free copy of 'Shell' the prequel to the 'The Geolyth Equation' today for your Amazon Kindle.

-Wednesday September 25, 2013 at 8:00 PM EST on Blogspot: Wednesday Rants.

Join H-M Brown as he shares his thoughts on writings and future plans.

 -Friday September 27, 2013 on YouTube: 'Prototype Presentations - Throwdown: Sunrise Inn and Game Resort.

Check out H-M Brown's latest game creation and learn how he built it from scratch.

This is the schedule for the month of September. Please follow me on Facebook where you will find the event planner. All dates are subjected to changes pending real life. Thank you all for joining me.

Until Next Time...

See ya.