Thursday, June 26, 2014

Quick NOTES: June 2014 #2

Greetings Fellow Readers! Welcome to an emergency Quick NOTES. You may have noticed certain things have changed or altered and that is because there have been decisions made, so please understand.

[Seeking a Publishing House]

       Last night I made the decision to forgo writing a fourth Beyond Logic and decided instead to compile together some of my works that I have not released and 3 works that I have placed in Fictionaut to be companion segments with a book called 'The Compilation of Thought and Prose: A Trainees Look at Writing'. Basically I am going to look to publish all of 'Thoughts on Writing' and include from Fictionaut; 'Beyond Logic: The Spectral Line', 'Day of Fate and Destiny', 'Arcana Magi Rush' and yes 'Shell' because why not? ;) I am also including 4 unreleased stories stories. They are a Comedy and fantasy microshort, a De x Maquina Chronicle and a new poem. And finally a brief look at my discipline. It's not very bog or detailed but just straight forward and definitions.
         So basically my intent is take these 'Thoughts on Writing' and have them published in book format by an actually Publishing House and include these stories to compliment what I am trying to convey. My intent is not to teach as I had said in my first 'Thoughts on Writing' but share what I have learned and what I put to practice. Hopefully, this book will help invoke conversation which will a great accomplishment.
        What does this mean for the stories and 'Thoughts on Writing'? Well I don't know yet. I am not sure if I would have to purge them out of the Internet and Fictionaut in order to get them book published. In the meantime, I have set the Fictionaut stories to Private and removed the direct links to 'Thoughts on Writing' here. I apologize to all of you for this inconvenience, but I feel it is time to get a publishing house, and considering all that I have written here on Blogspot, I think 'Thoughts on Writing' material should be good enough for the houses. My only alternative is Kindle, but I need to evolve and take the next step with my writing and hopefully future career.
       I thank you all for your patience and understanding, and look forward to write more stories for you in the future no matter the format.

Until Next time...

See ya.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Wednesday Rants: June 2014 #1

Greetings Fellow Readers! Welcome to another round of random ranting. There a few important that have happened this past weekend that I need to address so lets get started.

[Kindle Book Covers]

So if any of you have been on Kindle, you may have noticed that I have made Book Covers for all my works that I have released. It is not spectacular, but I wanted a little something different than Amazon's own generic covers. Again, I am not much of an artist but at least my stories have a little sense of identity when picking up a copy. So if you have a copy and it's not updated, then go right on ahead and update the new cover.


     Now to segway from Amazon to Fictionaut, you may have noticed that 'Shell', 'Artemis Neo' and 'Beyond Logic: The Spectral Line' have been set to private. This was because when I updated the book cover on Kindle, I had to re-submit the books to complete the update. So since Amazon has to go through the internet before publishing the books, they apparently found 'Beyond Logic: The Spectral Line' in Fictionaut and assumed that that was part of 'Beyond Logic Vol. 1'. So I had to go into Fictionaut and set that to Private. Once I did that, the re-submission of 'Beyond Logic Vol.1' was complete. To be safe I did the same for 'Shell' and 'Artemis Neo'.
     Unfortunately, this will have to be on a permanent basis. See Amazon makes clear in their policy taht whatever we authors release on Kindle, Amazon has first dibs. This means we cannot have our works free on the internet, which include Fictionaut. To violate this would be to lose our account, in this case mine. Having published on Kindle yielded some benefits for me, like last year I was able to attend New York Comic Con as a Professional because I released 'The Impossible Man' on Kindle. I would like to keep that up. So I am afraid that any work in Fictionaut that gets released on Kindle will be locked to Private.

[Beyond Logic]

Which brings us to this situation. I wanted to release a new Beyond Logic on Fictionaut and then bring it out alongside The Spectral Line on Kindle. Because of Amazon's policies this will not be possible. However, I will release the new Beyond Logic Short, but it will be directly to Amazon Kindle. So do expet beyonf Logic Volume 2 later this year.

[Ads on Youtube]

To shift focus, I have free time on my hands now from real world stuff, so I will be reading up on Youtube Ad policy, and then sign up. When it will happened I am not sure, but know that I am not going to use the ads videos, if that is an option, and instead use the banners that pop up during the video, so you can just click out of it while the video is running.

[New Project]

I am working on a new board game right now. I am hoping that I can acquire a table for the upcoming IGDA New Jersey Game Demo Night on July 1. If I do get a table the new board game I am working on will be demonstrated. But tables are limited, and they want to shift their focus more towards video games, so hopefully, I'll get lucky and have a table.

Okay, so that is all that I have on mind this month. Monday July 7 will be the next 'NEWS and NOTES'. Next Friday is Free 'Shell' Friday if you have not picked up your copy yet. Thank you all for listening to my rants, it was fun sharing my thoughts.

Until next time...

See ya

Monday, June 2, 2014

NEWS and NOTES: June 2014

Greetings Fellow Readers! Welcome to the June Edition of 'NEWS and NOTES'. Are you all enjoying the first Audio Readings? Well there are plenty of chances for more to come in the future. However this month is going to a lull month, check out the NOTES below. For now here is what is on tap this month.


-Friday June 13, 2014 on Kindle - Free 'Shell' Friday

Spend Friday the 13th with a little scare and pick up your free copy of 'Shell' on Kindle.

-Wednesday June 18, 2014 at 9:00 PM EST on Blogspot - Wednesday Rants

Join H-M Brown as he discusses upcoming projects and plans at a new time slot.

-Friday June 27, 2014 on Kindle - Free 'Shell' Friday

Grab yourself a free copy of 'Shell' on Kindle.


There will be no releases this month. I have a lot of writings and game development to catch up on. In addition, I have to do research on Youtube Ad program, so there will be ads soon, but there is no timetable for it. Finally, my apologies for linking Audio Readings here on my Blogspot page. It is up now and you can go right into the video. Thanks again for viewing my Youtube video.

So that is all for NEWS and NOTES for the month of June. I'll see you for the rants and then July.

Until Next Time...

See ya.