Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday Rants: September 2014

Greetings Fellow Readers! Welcome to another round of Wednesday Ranting. Plenty of stuff to talk about today so let's begin. A very big rant at the end.

[IGDA Arcade and Game Demo Night]

I am sad to announce that I was not granted a table this month for 'The Jumpers'. The registration turnout was really high this time. The event has gotten bigger. However, I am in the short list for the next IGDA Arcade and Game Demo Night so I will have a chance at presenting 'The Jumpers'.

I will be attending this month as planned. Feel free to chat with me or play a game with me at the event.


NYC-Playtest is always the first Saturday of the month. So that would mean the next event will be Saturday, October 4th. Keep on an on their calender here in their official website;

I'll post on Twitter when I make my RSVP to attend. I will be continuing to playtest 'Splatterbomb'. I believe the game is now at the point of being publishable.

[Special Project]

This is also nearing the end of completion. As soon as it is done and I finalize everything, I will make the announcement here, Twitter and Facebook. So stay tuned.

[Prototype Presentations]

I am going to make a new Prototype Presentation Video for 'Splatterbomb' next month after NYC-Playtest. Hopefully this will be the publishable version and not a draft, but either way, I intend to make a video for it.

[Arcana Magi 5th Season]

The 5th Anniversary is a little over a month away. I will announce the remaining titles in next months 'Wednesday Rants' that will cover the 5ht Season. I also plan to write a little something in the Fictionaut forums to celebrate this great milestone on the day of the Anniversary.

[Audio Reading/Patreon Posting]

Now, I would like to take a serious moment to talk to you about this. I have signed up, but I have not "Upgraded" to the status of posting videos. Honestly, I feel very hesitant about it. I want to focus on advertising via Youtube, but real life is not exactly running in my favor. For those of you who do not know what Patreon is here is the link;

It's like Kickstarter, only instead of pooling in a single lump sum over a period of time, its like a monthly "Tip Jar". I have touch base with the people who run Patreon to understand how this works, and it is very enticing, but something about this that rubs me the wrong. Now maybe its just paranoia and its really nothing, but it something that I am really thinking over before I make any decisions.

Now for what my plan would be on Patreon. I would do both Written Postings and Audio Reading Videos of 'Beyond Logic'. 'Beyond Logic' would be exclusive to Patreon and no other work. My writing would be more Flash Fiction at minimum 500 words. I am taking inspiration from H.P. Lovecraft, whom wrote very short stories like 'What the Moon Brings'. That lasted 1 page and half in 'The Other Gods and More Unearthly Tales'. So I know I am not feeling a little cheap. Going Flash Fiction for written posts and Audio Readings will help me try to write with more frequency.

Aside from feeling nervous about Patreon, there is also another problem and that is 'Arcana Magi' Season 5. If I pull the trigger on this Patreon Project, something has to give because I have make these 'Beyond Logic' postings at least once a month. That means that 'Arcana Magi' postings on Fictionaut are going to be slow, the season will be longer than it should.

Now I just want to make this clear. Patreon is a last resort. I don't want to jump into it for the wrong reasons, and try and give the real world here outside the internet a chance to give me a break. I want to make that if I do go through Patreon, it is fair for all of you. That if you decide to support me via Patreon, it's worth your trouble and effort. But like I said, Patreon there is something about it that makes me hesitant and I have nothing to assure that this is the right thing for me to do, for my future and finances.

Thank you.

- The next 'NEWS and NOTES' will be Monday, October 6, 2014. Thank you for listening to my rants. Fall begins this weekend, let's get ready for some cold breeze.

Until Next Time...

See ya.

Monday, September 1, 2014

NEWS and NOTES: September 2014

Greetings Fellow Readers! Welcome to the September Edition of 'NEWS and NOTES'. This is a very busy month for games. Check out what I'll be doing for September.


-Saturday, September 6, 2014 at 12:00PM EST - NYC Playtest

Join H-M Brown as he demonstrates and playtest his board game, Splatterbomb, and get a chance to meet other developers and playtest their games.

Location: NYU Game Center, 2 Metrotech Center, 8th Fl, Brooklyn, NY

-Friday, September 12, 2014 on Kindle - Free 'Shell' Friday

Grab yourself a free copy of 'Shell' on Kindle.

-Wednesday, September 17, 2014 at 9:00 PM EST on Blogspot - Wednesday Rants

Join H-M Brown as he discusses upcoming projects and plans.

-Tuesday, September 30, 2014 at 6:45 PM EST - IGDA NJ Game and Arcade Demo Night

H-M Brown will be present at this event, game demonstration pending selection process.

Location:  Hoboken Business Center (Mission 50), Harrison St. 2nd Floor, Hoboken, NJ


Keep your eye out for a 'Quick NOTES' later this month regarding the Special Project I had talked about in last months 'Wednesday Rants'.

Also keep an eye on Twitter for Reminder Postings of upcoming events where involving Playtest Sessions.

So that is all for NEWS and NOTES for the month of September.

Until Next Time...

See ya.