Friday, January 30, 2015

Quick NOTES: #4

Greeting Fellow Readers! The moment you all have been waiting.

-Now on Fictionaut: 'Arcana Magi Zero c.5'

Alysia and Megumi head for the source of all the problems in this climatic conclusion.

Click on the sidebar link to check it out.

-Monday February 2, 2015 at 9:00 PM EST Blogspot: NEWS and NOTES

Join H-M Brown as he announces the next monthly schedule of all works and upcoming projects.

That is all for the Quick NOTES.

Until Next time...

See ya.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Quick NOTES: Jan. #3

Greeting Fellow Readers! The moment you all have been waiting.

-Now on Fictionaut: 'Arcana Magi Zero c.4'

Alysia and Megumi have an unlikely meeting, meanwhile Marissa protects Madam Mayweather and understand something about her daughters.

Click on the sidebar link to check it out.

-Now on Amazon Kindle: Free 'Shell' Friday

Grab yourself a free copy of 'Shell' part of the 'Geolyth Lore' Series today!

-Tomorrow at 12:00 PM EST at Whole Foods Tribeca NYC Greenwhich Street: 4P-Playtest

This is last of the 4P-Playtest series. Come on down and try out all of the tabletop currently in development by local game inventors as well as Splatterbomb™.

That is all for the Quick NOTES.

Until Next time...

See ya.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wednesday Rants: January Edition

Greetings Fellow Readers! Welcome to the first Wednesday Rants of 2015. I don't want to waste too much time so let's get started.

[Arcana Magi 5th Season]

I really want to thank all of my fellow readers for being so patient this month with the change of Schedule. 'Arcana Magi Zero Chapter 4' will be released this Friday and chapter next Friday. Now that I have overcome last weeks amazing venture for Splatterbomb™, I am now focusing on 'Arcana Magi'. I know it has been a very slow season, but I am getting the chapters done as planned. Next month we will be returning to 'Arcana Magi Memorial' with the 5th Volume of the series and see what Azure and company are up to.

Again thank you for all your patience.


The game development has reached its peak. I have had very successful playtests the past couple of Saturdays and wonderful turnout at NYC Arcade at Microsoft in Manhattan. The spine of the game mechanics are at 100% and fully functional. I did make a submission but it did not result in publishing, but at least I learned a little from the publisher regarding the game. So at this point, the game's development is now focused on trying to open up the game because it is too tight and neatly package that it kind of stunts the game in terms of flexible gameplay. Basically players will just do the same thing over and over with each playthrough rather than seeing more of what game can offer.

As for the story itself, well I made a video outlining the premise, but it is still conceptual in nature. The reason I haven't written a story yet is because of the game's rules. I feel it would be bad on my part to introduce the game and the rules in the story does not reflect the rules of the actual game, regardless of the aesthetics of the story. I am also thinking of writing a Comic Book script for 'Splatterbomb™' primarily because I think writing in text may not convey what the game is about. I may be able to pull it off, but with a comic book you have the visual of what the parts of the game is about and what the world in totality looks like. I intend to make this more a comedy rather than a drama. Mainly because I am kind of tired of the dark, grim, gritty, moody settings of today's fiction, plus considering the premise of the story, well... we already have the high octane dramas of 'The Hunger Games' and 'Maze Runner', so yeah, I totally want to go all in with a comedy. Plus 'Splatterbomb' is about splattering paint, that in of itself should be presented as fun and the character themselves should have fun playing it and not worry about dying or getting killed.

Also don't forget to pick up Peanut Butter Jelly (Splatterbomb™ Theme) on Bandcamp and visit Alyssa Menes on her website. Both links are on the sidebar to the left.


This is going to be a very unpredictable year given my life situation, but I have 'Arcana Magi' Season 5 and
'Splatterbomb™' to hold me up, but hopefully I can more announcements as the year rolls on so that cool things can happen. I look forward to another year of entertaining all of you, my fellow readers. May your 2015 be fulfilling and successful as well.

This Saturday is another 4P-Playtest session by NYC-PLaytest members, swing on by and try out
'Splatterbomb™'. It will be at Whole Foods in Tribeca, just a few blocks from 1 World Trade Center.

Until Next Time...

See ya.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Quick NOTES: Jan #2

Greetings Fellow Readers! Welcome to Quick NOTES. I got a lot of information to share so this won't be quick as usual.

-Thursday 6:00 PM at Microsoft 11 Times Square, Manhattan: 'The NYC Arcade'

It's official! I have a table to showcase Splatterbomb™, hence why I made a schedule change and move 'Arcana Magi Zero Chapter 4' to next Friday, January 23rd. So I am doing  a lot of things to prepare for teh event.

For starters, I would like to announce, and there will be a Twitter Post, that I will be offering discount tickets to purchase 'Peanut Butter Jelly (Splatterbomb Theme)' on In order to get 1 ticket1 you have to play at LEAST 3 Turns of Splatterbomb™. Discount Tickets are Limited to 1 Per Player. I can't offer it up for free like I would want to because Bandcamp won't allow musicians to print out 100% discount tickets.

Second, I am making videos for Splatterbomb™. There are 15 total. They will cover gameplay, game concepts, and the game story. Those who show will have a chance to see a lot of footage of
what Splatterbomb™ has to offer.

And of course, the game will be there for all of you to play. I will have 2 game boards available with enough tokens to allow two groups to play.

So that is the situation, there may be more that I have not covered right now, but if there is then it will be seen at the event.

I thank all 'Arcana Magi' for your patience and understanding for the schedule change, I hope some of you will be at 'The NYC Arcade' to try out Splatterbomb™. As for the rest of you, I look forward to your visit at my table to play a round of Splatterbomb™.

Until next time...

see ya.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Quick NOTES: Jan #1

Greetings Fellow Readers!

I have a schedule change announcement to make.

Due to the upcoming NYC Playtest hosted by The Sheep's Meow on January 16;

'Arcana Magi Zero Chapter 4' on Fictionaut will be released on Friday Jan. 23rd. Although an official announcement has not been posted on the NYC Arcade Facebook page, my appearance there will force me to concentrate on preparing 'Splatterbomb™' for the event. Since the event is happening before the 'Wednesday Rants', I will provide further details about NYC Arcade on Quick NOTES here and on Twitter.

I apologize for the inconvenience and I Thank You for your support.

Also Tommorow at Noon at Whole Foods Tribeca is 4P Playtest hosted by Gil Hova of NYC-Playtest. Splatterbomb will be available for testing.

Until next time...

See ya.

Monday, January 5, 2015

NEWS and NOTES: January 2015

Greetings Fellow Readers! Welcome to the first 2015 Edition of 'NEWS and NOTES'. I got some 'NOTES' regarding Kindle in Europe, but first the 'NEWS'.


-This Friday, January 9, 2015 on Amazon Kindle: Free 'Shell' Friday

Grab yourself a free copy of 'Shell' on Kindle today.
-This Saturday January 10, 2015 at 12:00 PM EST in Whole Foods Tribeca, New York: '4P Playtest'

Local board game developers will be playtesting their game prototypes. Swing on by and try out Splatterbomb™.

-Thursday, January 15, 2015 at 6:00 PM EST in Microsoft 11 Times Square Manhattan: 'The NYC Arcade'

Hosted by Microsoft and organized by developers 'The Sheep's Meow' (, local board game developers and video game developers will be playtesting their game prototypes for the public.

NOTE: Table for Splatterbomb™ pending; stay tuned to 'Wednesday Rants for more information.

-Friday, January 16, 2015 at 9:00 PM EST on Fictionaut: 'Arcana Magi Zero Chapter 4'

Alysia and Megumi gain info about what is happening while Madam Mayweather and Marissa continue to the center of Newark.

-Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at 9:00 PM EST on Blogspot: 'Wednesday Rants'

Join H-M Brown as he discusses upcoming projects and plans.

-Friday, January 23, 2015 on Kindle: Free 'Shell' Friday

Grab yourself a free copy of 'Shell' on Kindle for Christmas.

-Friday, January 30, 2015 at 9:00 PM EST on Fictionaut: 'Arcana Magi Zero Chapter 5'

The climactic conclusion as Alysia and Megumi reach the center of Newark.


-Be sure to grab yourself a copy of Splatterbomb Theme Song 'Peanut Butter Jelly' on Bandcamp.

-Be sure to check out Alyssa Menes Music Composer for 'Peanut Butter Jelly' at:

-For those of you in Europe who were purchasing 'The Impossible Man' on Kindle, I am sorry to anniounce that I had to pull the novel out of the Europe market due to policy changes in the VAT. I do not have a strong Copyright in Europe and could not risk losing the rights of my work in the region. Again I apologize if you had plans to buy it, hopefully when I do get the Copyrights settled I can release 'The Impossible Man' in Europe.

So that is all for NEWS and NOTES.

Until Next Time...

See ya.