Friday, February 20, 2015

Quick NOTES: February #2 - 2015

Greeting Fellow Readers!

-Now on Fictionaut: 'Arcana Magi Memorial Vol.5 c.2'

Sora and Ciel gains a new ally in their search for Azure, meanwhile Azure is given a tout of Salamanders hideout.

Click on the sidebar link to check it out.

-Wednesday Feb 25, 2015 at 6:45 PM EST at Mission 50 in Hoboken, NJ: 'The Hudson Arcade'

Join New York and New Jersey's up and coming developers from video games to tabletop games. Visit the 'Splatterbomb' Booth for a chance to play a few rounds to receive a discount for 'Peanut Butter Jelly Splatterbomb Theme' on Bandcamp. Limit 1 Per player.

-Monday March 2, 2015  at 8:00 PM on Blogspot: 'NEW and NOTES'

Get the latest schedule of upcoming events and release by H-M Brown.

That is all for the Quick NOTES.

Until Next time...

See ya.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wednesday Rants: February 2015 Edition

Greetings Fellow Readers! Welcome to the another round of Wednesday Rants

[Arcana Magi 5th Season]

'Arcana Magi Memorial Vol.5' is underway. Chapter 2 will be this Friday as scheduled. I thank you all for dealing with the pacing of releases while working around Splatterbomb™. It feels a little weird typing into March. I haven't done that since 'Arcana Magi' years ago.

I still have to update 'Arcana Magi Rush' comic script. I will fit that into my schedule and then send it out to a Comic Book Publisher to see if I can get picked up. Right now the comic book is a 3 Issue Series, but it may change pending on re-writes and what the publisher wants, if should the comic get picked up.


I added in a lot of new elements. The last playtest became a failure. The spine of the rules are so optimized that a small change was not enough to get players to use different strategies. At this stage, I took a lot of ideas lobbed at me by NYC-Playtest, as well as my own ideas that I set aside from the 1st and have added during the course the playtests. The board game has the look and feel of a video game right now. Until I can actually play this I won't know if these new mechanics break the optimization.

I also would like to do some video on Youtube for Splatterbomb™ hopefully in the coming months, featuring a character that I created and voiced myself for promo video I made last month for 'The NYC Arcade'. I have to deal with a few shortcomings before I can fully realize it. It won't be much but this video will just be off the cuff stuff to at least whet your appetites while development continues. They'll be very short videos, nothing big really.

Also don't forget to pick up Peanut Butter Jelly (Splatterbomb™ Theme) on Bandcamp and visit Alyssa Menes on her website. Both links are on the sidebar to the left.

[The Hudson Arcade]

Next week is the 'Hudson Arcade' at Mission 50 in Hoboken. I will be attending there, however I still have not received word on whether I will receive a table or not. If I do, everything that I did at 'NYC Arcade' will be there. There will be discount tickets for 'Peanut Butter Jelly (Splatterbomb™ Theme)' for those who play, promo video for your viewing, hopefully I'll get the audio to work, and of course, Splatterbomb™ itself to play. If not I will talk to the hosts to see if I can at least place the discount tickets at one of the brochure tables for anyone to pick up. Keep an eye on Twitter if should I get a table.

[Unexpected Scheduling Changes]

There are very private things happening around me right that are beyond my control. Chances are this could affect my scheduling after I set them. The next 7 months is not going to be easy for me, but time is marching on and I have to adapt. I am hoping that I can maintain control and not find myself dropping everything. I am trying to find the balance. Right now, everything is pacing, but I have a feeling in the coming months, it is going to interfere and sacrifices on my part will have to be made, which means any level of selfishness to succeed what I want must be cast aside. I must ask all of you for your patience and understanding when a sudden scheduling change occurs, I have to be by the side of people who expect me to be there when they need me.

So that's all I have for now on my mind. Thank you very much for your time today.

Until Next Time...

See ya.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Quick NOTES: Feb #1 - 2015

Greeting Fellow Readers! The moment you all have been waiting.

-Now on Fictionaut: 'Arcana Magi Memorial Vol.5 c.1'

Azure arrives at Salamander, meanwhile Sora and Ciel seek Madam Mayweather's help to find Azure.

Click on the sidebar link to check it out.

-Wednesday Feb 18, 2015 at 9:00 PM EST on Blogspot: Wednesday Rants

Join H-M Brown as he discusses upcoming projects and plans.

That is all for the Quick NOTES.

Until Next time...

See ya.

Monday, February 2, 2015

NEWS and NOTES: February 2015

Greetings Fellow Readers! Welcome to another round of 'NEWS and NOTES'.


-This Friday, February 6, 2015 on Amazon Kindle: Free 'Shell' Friday

Grab yourself a free copy of 'Shell' on Kindle today.

-Friday, February 13, 2015 at 9:00 PM EST on Fictionaut: 'Arcana Magi Memorial Vol. 5: Chapter 1'

Azure begins her quest to help fight against Mother while Sora and Ciel search for Madam Mayweather to seek help.

-Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 9:00 PM EST on Blogspot: 'Wednesday Rants'

Join H-M Brown as he discusses upcoming projects and plans.

-Friday, February 20, 2015 at 9:00 PM EST on Fictionaut: 'Arcana Magi Memorial Vol.5 - Chapter 2'

The continuation of Azure's journey.

-Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 6:45 PM EST in Mission 50 Hoboken: 'The Hudson Arcade'

Hosted by Microsoft and organized by developers 'The Sheep's Meow' (, local board game developers and video game developers will be playtesting their game prototypes for the public.


NOTE: Table for Splatterbomb™ pending; stay tuned to 'Wednesday Rants for more information.

-Friday, February 27, 2015 on Kindle: Free 'Shell' Friday

Grab yourself a free copy of 'Shell' on Kindle.


-Be sure to grab yourself a copy of Splatterbomb Theme Song 'Peanut Butter Jelly' on Bandcamp.

-Be sure to check out Alyssa Menes Music Composer for 'Peanut Butter Jelly' at:

So that is all for NEWS and NOTES.

Until Next Time...

See ya.