Friday, July 31, 2015

Quick NOTES: July 2015 #1

Greetings Fellow Readers! Welcome to a fast round of Quick NOTES.

-Now on sale on Spreadshirt: Splatterbomb T-Shirts

This releases characters are:

Melon Soda

Current characters on sale:

Rainbow Brush

Now all Splatterbomb T-Shirts are available in American Apparel.

-Tomorrow from Noon to 6:00 PM in New York City: NYC-Playtest Group.

Check out the latest tabletop games currently in development by local inventors. 'Splatterbomb™' will be available for playtesting.

Location in New York is still to be determined, stay tuned at for location.

-Links to all Splatterbomb Product will be made available on Twitter this Monday.

-And so I bid all of you a nice safe vacation. I will be only on Twitter feed throughout August. September 7, 2015 will be the next 'NEWS and NOTES'. Keep an out on 'Peanut Butter Jelly (Splatterbomb Theme)' August announcement on Twitter.

Until September...

See ya.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Wednesday Rants: July 2015 Edition

Greetings Fellow Readers! Welcome to another round of Wednesday Rants. There are some cool announcements so let's get started.

[Gameacon 2015]

This year I acquired an official exhibitors table at Gameacon 2015 in Atlantic City's Tropicana. I plan to bring Splatterbomb™ there, unless circumstances occur. It's happening in November and I am very excited to get a chance to showcase the game to a larger audience. As we get closer to the convention, I'll announce what to expect at the booth, so stay tuned.

[New York Comic Con]

I will be roaming the halls of New York Comic Con once again in October. Unfortunately, I could not secure anything awesome like an autograph signing or a Panel, but if you happen to see me and want to chat up or take a picture, I'll be glad to offer it up.


Next week will be the next duo of Splatterbomb™ characters up for grabs. I will also be adding American Apparel brand so you can have yourselves a nice quality shirt if you want to. Remember all shirts are available in Men's, women's, and kids sizes.


Splatterbomb™ playtesting is still continuing this Saturday and there should be a playtest next Saturday August 1, which is on a Saturday. Stay tuned to Twitter for any announcements.

[Vacation Time!]

It's been an amazing 12 months but now its time for me to take a break and breathe. Next month in August, I will be on vacation. There will be no 'NEWS and NOTES', no 'Wednesday Rants', no 'Free Shell Fridays', or any new releases. If not this month then in August I may make 1 Twitter announcement regarding 'Peanut Butter Jelly (Splatterbomb™ Theme) and the next NYC-Playtest is in September, so keep an eye out on Twitter. I will return September 7th with 'NEWS and NOTES'.

I will post up links on Twitter to Spreadshirt, Kindle, and any other products or events before August so you can just click away and check things out.

I will be on Twitter mode during vacation just in case any sudden events occur, but other than that, I am going dark until September.

So on a final note, thank you all for joining me these past 12 months. It was an amazing ride from 'Arcana Magi 5th Anniversary' to 'The NYC Arcade' to 'Spreadshirt'. Please enjoy yourselves and have a safe Summer.

Until September...

See ya.

Monday, July 6, 2015

NEWS and NOTES: July 2015 Edition

Greetings Fellow Readers! Welcome to another edition of 'NEWS and NOTES'. It is summer time and this month is going to a bit busy.


-This Saturday, July 11, 2015 at 12:00 PM EST at Brooklyn Game Lab in New York: 'NYC Playtest'

Join local board game developers as they display their latest game development, be sure to check out 'Splatterbomb™'.


NYC Playtest:

Brooklyn Game Lab:

-Saturday July 18, 2015 at 12:00 PM EST at Brooklyn Game Lab in New York: 'NYC-Playtest'

Join local board game developers as they display their latest game development, be sure to check out 'Splatterbomb™'.

-Wednesday, June 22, 2015 at 9:00 PM EST on Blogspot: 'Wednesday Rants'

Join H-M Brown as he discusses upcoming projects and plans.

-Saturday July 25, 2015 at 12:00 PM EST at Brooklyn Game Lab in New York: 'NYC-Playtest'

Join local board game developers as they display their latest game development, be sure to check out 'Splatterbomb™'.

-Friday July 31, 2015 at 9:00 PM EST at Spreadshirt: 'Splatterbomb™' T-Shirts

Two new 'Splatterbomb™' T-Shirt Prints will be made available at Spreadshirt.


-No Free 'Shell' Friday this Month.

-Don't forget to visit Amazon or iTunes and grab yourself a copy of 'Peanut Butter Jelly (Splatterbomb™ Theme)' today. Click on the side link.

-Like Shirts? Swing on over to the Splatterbomb™ Spreadshirt Store and buy yourself awesome shirts featuring characters from Splatterbomb™. Click on the side link.

-Be sure to check out Alyssa Menes Music Composer for 'Peanut Butter Jelly (Splatterbomb™ Theme)' at:

So that is all for NEWS and NOTES.

Until Next Time...

See ya.